//This page contains manuals, specifications and application forms.//
===== 2. マーケットメイカー向け / For Market Makers =====
==== 2.1 マーケットメイカーとして参加する / Participate as a Market Maker ====
=== To Know CONNEQTOR ===
Current API specifications
* {{documents:api_specifications.zip|API Specifications (Swagger Format)}}
=== To Try CONNEQTOR ===
* {{documents:conneqtor_application_flow_mm_en.pdf|CONNEQTOR Application Flow (MarketMaker)}}
* {{documents:mt-31_user_registration_form_en.xlsx|MT-31_User Registration Form}}
* {{documents:mt-31-2_user_registration_form_for_account_id_annex_en.xlsx|MT-31-2 User Registration Form for Account ID(annex)}}
* {{documents:mt-32_application_form_for_production_use_en.xlsx|MT-32_Application Form for Production Use}}
* {{documents:mt-33_application_form_for_add_or_delete_users_en.xlsx|MT-33_Application Form for Add or Delete Users}}
* {{documents:mt-34_application_form_for_changing_phone_number_en.xlsx|MT-34_Application Form for Changing phone number}}
=== To Use CONNEQTOR ===
* {{documents:mp31.pdf|Usage guide of demo environment(Market Maker)}}
== For API Users ==
* {{documents:mma31.pdf|CONNEQTOR API Operation Manual (Market Maker)}}
* {{documents:mca31.pdf|(Reference)Checklist for API testing(Market Maker)}}
* {{documents:guidelines_for_api.pdf|Guidelines for API (Market Maker) Applicable on Apr. 8, 2024}}
== For GUI Users ==
* {{documents:mmg31.pdf|CONNEQTOR GUI Operation Manual (Market Maker)}}
* {{documents:mcg31.pdf| (Reference)Checklist for GUI testing(Market Maker)}}
==== 2.2 投資家機能を利用する / Use of Investor Function ====
* {{documents:conneqtor_application_flow_mmprop_jp.pdf|利用手続きの概要}}
Market makers (i.e. Broker dealer prop, Registered Low Latency Trader, and other parties designated by the TSE) may use the investor function by making the following application.\\
General investors can send RFQs anonymously, but when a market maker sends an RFQ, the name of the RFQ sender's organization will be notified to the market maker.
* {{documents:conneqtor_application_flow_mmprop_en.pdf|Application Flow}}
=== 利用してみる / To Try CONNEQTOR ===
== 日本語 ==
* {{documents:PT-71_jp.xlsx|PT-71_(証券自己, MM向け)ユーザー登録申込書}}
* {{documents:PT-71-2_jp.xlsx|PT-71-2_(証券自己,MM向け)ユーザー登録申込書_口座登録用(別紙)}}
* {{documents:PT-72_jp.xlsx|PT-72_(証券自己,MM向け)本番利用申込書}}
* {{documents:PT-73_jp.xlsx|PT-73_(証券自己,MM向け)ユーザー追加・削除申込書}}
* {{documents:PT-74_jp.xlsx|PT-74_(証券自己,MM向け)電話番号変更申込書}}
== English ==
* {{documents:PT-71_en.xlsx|PT-71_(For Prop, MM)User Registration_Form}}
* {{documents:PT-71-2_en.xlsx|PT-71-2_(For Prop, MM)User Registration_Form_for Account ID(annex)}}
* {{documents:PT-72_en.xlsx|PT-72_(for Prop, MM)Application Form for Production Use}}
* {{documents:PT-73_en.xlsx|PT-73_(for Prop, MM)Application Form for Add or Delete Users}}
* {{documents:PT-74_en.xlsx|PT-74_(for Prop, MM)Application Form for Changing phone number}}
=== 操作方法を知る / To Use CONNEQTOR ===
== 日本語 ==
* {{documents:im01.pdf|CONNEQTOR操作マニュアル(投資家向け)}}
== English ==
* {{documents:im01_en.pdf |CONNEQTOR Operation Manual(For Investors)}}
* {{documents:for_investor_rfq_platform_conneqtor_screen_operation_manual_20221205.pdf|Starter Guide(For Investors)}}