


CONNEQTOR FIX Interface Specifications(Data Format)

Version 1.4

Released November 2024
Applicable on November 2024

1. Notation in the Specifications

① A “△” in the field indicates a space of the character code.
② The mandatory attributes of the FIX tag are described as follows.
    ◎ : Mandatory for the FIX message
    〇 : Not Mandatory for the FIX message but mandatory for CONNEQTOR
    □ : Conditionally mandatory

③ Price set/output methods for each trading
  The format of price set/output is ZZZZZZZ9. 9999. Specifically, it is as follows.

Matching price on CONNEQTORPricing set/output method
100 yen 100.0000
100.5 yen 100.5000
100.05 yen 100.0500

④ Unless stated specifically, all field values are set according to the definition in 2.2 Data Types.

  • Example1: When the field is defined as “Int” and values range from '0' to '100', setting to '0' will be |0|, and setting to '100' will be |100|.
  • Example2: When the field is defined as “Char” and values range from '△△1' to '100', setting to '△△1' will be|△△1|, setting to '100' will be |100|.

⑤ Dummy values
 When stated “dummy value(s)” in the data format tables, the system checks the format/range of those field values but ignores appropriateness between fields.

⑥ Description for Standard Header of Messages
 The “Standard Header” description for each message includes the following information: 1) TAG35:MsgType value for that message and 2) “conditionally mandatory” tag values for the Standard Header (refer to 2.5 Standard Header).

⑦ Order quantity set for each trading
 Set on a per share basis. (e.g. when placing an order for 1,000 shares, set Tag38 to 1000.)

2. Message structure

2.1 Message Overview

A FIX message consists of a standard header, message body and a standard trailer as shown below.

Standard Header Body Part Standard Trailer

* Each message consists of a series of fields, each of them is represented as a combination of the tag number and the value (tag number=value) and separated (or terminated) by a delimiter, i.e. ASCII “SOH” (#001).
  For example, a FIX message starts with “8=FIX.4.2” and ends with “10=nnn<SOH>”, like this:
  8=FIX.4.2<SOH>9=60<SOH>35=A<SOH> . . . (omitted) . .
* The following tags are discarded as invalid.
  Any tag other than tags defined by each message in CONNEQTOR
  Any Standard Header tag that exists in the Body or Standard Trailer
  Any Body tag that exists in the Standard Trailer

 ● Message integrity assurance
  The integrity of message data content is confirmed in two ways: 1) verification of message length (Tag=9: BodyLength) and 2) verification of checksum of characters (Tag=10: CheckSum).
  If it is not possible to assure the integrity of a message, it is discarded as an invalid message.

2.2 Data Types

Data Type represents the type of the value defined for each tag. The following table shows data types in use.

Data type Definitions
IntInteger (ASCII characters '-' and '0' - '9').
A '-' represents a negative value, thus it is valid only when placed in the first position of the value.
Example 1: value '723' in field 21 is expressed as |21=723| .
Example 2: value '-723' in field 21 is expressed as |21=-723| .
FloatDecimal (ASCII characters '-' and '0' - '9').
The absence of the decimal point within the string will be interpreted as the float representation of an integer value.
The maximum number of characters is 15.
QtyFloat field representing the quantity.
PriceFloat field representing the price.
CharAny alphanumeric character. All ASCII characters except the delimiter (<SOH>) are available.
All char fields are case sensitive (i.e. text ≠ Text).
BooleanChar field containing one of two values:
'Y' = True/Yes
'N' = False/No
StringAlpha-numeric free format strings.
ASCII characters between 0x20 and 0x7E are available.
All char fields are case sensitive (i.e. morstatt ≠ Morstatt).
UTCTimestampTime/date combination represented in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as “GMT”) in either YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS (seconds) or YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss (milliseconds) format. The colons, hyphen and period are all required.
Valid Values are:
 ・YYYY = 0000-9999, MM = 01-12, DD = 01-31, HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second) (without milliseconds).
 ・YYYY = 0000-9999, MM = 01-12, DD = 01-31, HH = 00-23, MM = 00-59, SS = 00-60 (60 only if UTC leap second), sss=000-999 (indicating milliseconds)
ExchangeString field (see definition of “String” above) representing a market or exchange.
'T' = Tokyo Stock Exchange
CurrencyString field (see definition of “String” above) representing a currency type.
'JPY' = Yen

2.3 Message Check

For a message that contains valid data as a FIX message, the message format is checked in accordance with the rules of the FIX Protocol Specification (Ver4.2Errata).
Check items are as follows.

  • Existence of mandatory tags (mandatory as FIX protocol)
  • Existence of conditionally mandatory tags (mandatory as FIX protocol)
  • Conformance with the type of data
  • Range check (the setting value must be within the range defined in the FIX protocol)

When a message not compliant with any of the above rules is received, a Reject shall be sent to the other party’s system to notify the message of the format error.

2.4 Standard Message Header/Trailer

3. Administrative Message

4. Application Message

Annex 1 Standard Message Header/Trailer Format

(1) Standard Message Header

TagField NameData TypeManda
8BeginStringStringSet the version of the FIX protocol used.Shall be first field in message. The value is always 'FIX.4.2'.
9BodyLengthLengthSet the message length counting the number of characters in the message from Msgtype up to and including the delimiter (<SOH>) immediately preceding the CheckSum tag. Shall be second field (next to BeginString) in message. The value ranges from '0' to '9999'.
35MsgTypeStringSet the type of each message. Shall be third field next to BodyLength) in message.Refer to description of each message for the value to be set.
49SenderCompIDStringSet Self-company ID.
Upstream message (CONNEQTOR → participant system): Set the fixed value “TSECQT” of CONNEQTOR.
Downstream message (participant system → CONNEQTOR): Set arbitrary value
56TargetCompIDStringSet the other party's company ID.
Upstream message (CONNEQTOR→ participant system): Set “Participant Code”.
Downstream message (participant system → CONNEQTOR): Set the fixed value “TSECQT” of CONNEQTOR.
34MsgSeqNumSeqnumSet the sequence number. '1' to '99999999'
115OnBehalfOfCompIDStringUpstream message: Set the organization ID designated by CONNEQTOR.
Downstream message: omitted
In the case of a domestic financial institution, set the bank code. Otherwise, the code shall be assigned separately.
116OnBehalfOfSubIDStringUpstream message: Set the account ID for each user of CONNEQTOR.
Downstream message: omitted
Since each financial institution may use multiple account numbers, a different ID shall be set for each account number.
128DeliverToCompIDStringUpstream message: omitted
Downstream message: Set the organization ID of CONNEQTOR.
In the case of a domestic financial institution, set the bank code. Otherwise, the code shall be assigned separately.
129DeliverToSubIDStringUpstream message: omitted
Downstream message: Set the account ID for each user of CONNEQTOR.
Since each financial institution may use multiple account numbers, a different ID shall be set for each account number.
43PossDupFlagBooleanSet the identifier for the retransmission message.
“Y”: Possible duplicate
“N”: Original transmission
If the set value of this tag is “Y” in the downstream message, CONNEQTOR shall discard the processed message, and process unprocessed message.
For upstream message, “Y” is set only for retransmission.
97PossResendBooleanSet the identifier for the retransmission message at the application level.
“Y”: Possible Resend Message
“N”: Original transmission
For the upstream message, omit it. For the downstream message, set “Y” or “N”. When the set value of this tag is “Y” in the downstream message, CONNEQTOR shall discard the processed message, and process unprocessed message.
52SendingTime UTC
Set the message transmission time in GMT.
122OrigSendingTime UTC
Set for the retransmission message (PossDupFlag = Y) in GMT.
347MessageEncodingStringFixed to “Shift_JIS”.
CONNEQTOR shall not check any inputs.
No setting for upstream message.

(2) Standard Trailer

TagField NameData TypeManda
10CheckSumStringCalculated by summing every bytes from the beginning of the message to the right before the checksum field, set it with modulo 256. The set value is 3 ASCII digits from '000' to '255'.
Shall be the last in the message.

Annex 2 Administrative Message Format

(1) Logon

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType=“A”
98EncryptMethodIntSet the procedure for encrypted communication.Fixed to '0'.
108HeartBtIntIntSet when heartbeat monitoring is used.
Set '0' is not possible.
141ResetSeqNumFlagBooleanSet when resetting the sequence number.Fixed to “Y”.
383MaxMessageSize LengthSet the maximum length of a message.
Fixed to '10023'.
CONNEQTOR shall not check any inputs.
No setting for upstream message.
Standard Trailer

(2) Logout

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType=“5”
58Text StringSet the Logout reason to the first 5 bytes.
Downstream message :
'00000', or unspecified - represents the day's trading ends and no more trading will be done (trading end)
 Otherwise - represents a suspension of the trading due to a failure,etc., and trading will be resumed once it is recovered. (trading suspension)
Upstream message :
Reason code for the release caused (5 bytes)
Downstream message :
If “trading end” is set, it is regarded that participant has finished the trading for the day. However, by performing Logon again, it is possible to trade. (Since the FIX sequence number is not reset, it will be used continuously when performing Logon again.)
If “trading suspension” is set, it is regarded that an error has occurred in participant system. However, by performing Logon again, it is possible to trade. (Since the FIX sequence number is not reset, it will be used continuously when performing Logon again.)

Upstream message :
Refer to Appendix 2 “List of Reason Codes”.
Standard Trailer

(3) HeartBeat

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= '0'
112TestReqID StringFor TestRequest response, set TestReqID of the received TestRequest.
Standard Trailer

(4) Test Request

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= '1'
112TestReqID String Upstream message :
 Set the message transmission time.
 YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss format (required colon “:” and hyphen “-”)
 Valid values: YYYY = 0000 to 9999, MM=01 to 12, DD=01 to 31, hh=00 to 23, mm=00~59, ss=00~59
Standard Trailer

(5) Resend Request

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= '2'
7BeginSeqNo SeqNumSet the start of the retransmission request range.
16EndSeqNo SeqNumSet the end of the retransmission request range.
Upstream message :
 Always set to '0' (until the last of the sent message).
It shall not be always '0' for the downstream message.
Standard Trailer

(6) Reject

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= '3'
45RefSeqNum SeqNumSet MsgSeqNum of the message to which the Reject is sent.
371RefTagIDIntSet the tag number of the message to which the Reject is sent.
372RefMsgType StringSet MsgType of the message to which the Reject is sent.
373SessionRejectReasonIntSet the reason of Reject.
0: Invalid tag number (incorrect tag number)
1: Required tag missing (without mandatory tags)
2: Tag not defined for this message type (undefied tag for MsgType)
3 :Undefined Tag
4: Tag specified without a value (not set to tags)
5: Value is incorrect (out of range) for this tag (Illegal tag setting)
6: Incorrect data format for value (Illegal tag setting format)
9: CompID problem (incorrect company ID)
10:SendingTime accuracy problem(incorrect SendingTime)
11: Invalid MsgType (message-type incorrect)
58Text StringSet the Reason Code (5 bytes) and details of the error(the tag number that caused the error) by concacnated with a comma.
In some cases, however, only the reason code is set.
When details of the error exists: “Reason code”, “Details of the error”
When details of the error exists: “Reason code”
Refer to Appendix 2 “List of Reason Codes”.
Standard Trailer

(7) Sequence Reset

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= '4'
123GapFillFlag Boolean“Y” indicates that the message is a GapFill message.
Upstream message :
 Note) Set “N” if the requested message cannot be retransmitted.
36NewSeqNo SeqNumSet the sequence number for the next message to be sent.
Standard Trailer

Annex 3 Application Message Format

※ The legend for the required fields is as follows:
  ◎ : mandatory as FIX message
  ○: not mandatory as FIX message, but mandatory as CONNEQTOR
  □: conditionary mandatory

(1) Order Entry Message (New Order Single)

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= “D”
SenderCompID= ““TSECQT”” (Fixed)
TargetCompID = “Participant Code”
OnBehalfOfCompID= “Organization ID handled by CONNEQTOR”
OnBehalfOfSubID = “Account ID of each organization”
11ClOrdIDStringSpecify the order number.
Order number: A unique number (RFQID) is assigned to each FIX session unit allocated to each order.
21HandlInstchar「1」:Automated execution order, private, no Broker intervention (Fixed)
109ClientIDStringSpecify counterparty's participant code.
63SettlTypeCharSet the settlement date.
If the tag is omitted, it is treated as T+2 settlement.
'4': T+3 settlement, '5': T+4 settlement, '9': T+5 settlement
100ExDestinationExchangeSpecify the exchange.
Fixed to 'T' : Tokyo Stock Exchange.
55SymbolStringSpecify the issue code.Refer to Appendix 1 “Issue Codes”.
54SideCharSpecify the side of the order.
'1': Buy (purchase order)
'2': Sell (sell order)
60TransactTimeUTCSpecify the time at which the order is placed.
38OrderQtyQtySpecify the order quantity from '1' to '999999999'.
40OrdTypeCharSpecify the type of execution of the order.
Fixed to '2': Limit (limit order).
44PricePriceSpecify the order price.Refer to “1. ③ Price set/output methods for each trading.”
15Currency CurrencyFixed to 'JPY'.
47Rule80ACharSpecify the trading administration field (pricipal /agency type).
“P”: Principal
“A”: Agency
8045Cash/Margin Trading CategoryCharSpecify the type of cash/margin trading.
'0': Cash
'2': Margin Open
'4': Margin Close
8100RFQIDintSpecify only integers of ClOrdID.
8101Settlement DateStringSet the settlement date. (YYYYMMDD)
1Account*StringAccount information on Order management system.
58Text*StringText on Order management system.
8106Memo*StringMemo on Order management system.
Standard Trailer

(2) Cancel Order Entry Message (Order Cancel Request)

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= “F”
SenderCompID= “TSECQT” (Fixed)
TargetCompID = “Participant Code”
OnBehalfOfCompID= “Organization ID handled by CONNEQTOR”
OnBehalfOfSubID = “Account ID of each organization”
41OrigClOrdID StringSpecify the order number of the order to be canceled.Order number: A unique number (RFQID) is assigned to each FIX session unit allocated to each order by CONNEQTOR.
11ClOrdID StringSpecify the order number for the cancel order.Order number: A unique number (RFQID) is assigned to each FIX session unit.
Specify a different value from the TAG41:OrigClOrdID value.
55Symbol StringSpecify the issue code for the order to be canceled.Refer to Appendix 1 “Issue Codes”.
54SideCharSpecify the side of the order to be canceled.
'1': Buy (purchase order)
'2': Sell (sell order)
Specify the time at which the cancel order is placed.
38OrderQty QtySpecify the quantity of the order to be canceled from '1' to '999999999'.
8100RFQIDintSpecify only integers of ClOrdID.
Standard Trailer

(3) Order Acceptance Notice (Execution Report)

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= '8'
SenderCompID= Arbitrary Value
TargetCompID = ““TSECQT”” (Fixed)
DeliverToCompID= ““Organization ID handled by CONNEQTOR””
DeliverToSubID = ““Account ID of each organization”“
37OrderIDStringSet a unique identifier (numbered in the participant system) for the order.CONNEQTOR shall not check the value.
11ClOrdIDStringSet the order number specified at the time of order.
109ClientIDStringSpecify counterparty's participant code.
17ExecIDStringSet a unique identifier for Execution Report (numbered in the participant system).CONNEQTOR shall not check the value.
20ExecTransTypechar「0」:New (Fixed)
150ExecTypeCharSet the notice type.
'0': New (newly accepted)
39OrdStatusCharSet the current status of the order.
'0': New (newly accepted)
63SettlmntTypCharSet the settlement date specified at the time of order.
55SymbolStringSet the issue code specified at the time of order.Refer to Appendix 1 “Issue Codes”.
54SideCharSet the side of the order specified at the time of order.
38OrderQtyQtySet the order quantity specified at the time of order.
44PricePriceSet the order price specified at the time of order.Refer to “1. ③ Price set/output methods for each trading.”
47Rule80ACharSet the trading administration field (pricipal /agency type) specified at the time of order.
32LastSharesQtySet the filled quantity. Fixed to '0'.
31LastPxQtySet the filled price. Fixed to '0'.
151LeavesQtyQtySet the order remaining quantity.
Fixed to '0'.
14CumQtyQtySet the partial fill quantity (current cumulative fill quantity).
Fixed to '0'.
6AvgPxPriceSet the average filled price.
Fixed to '0'.
8045Cash/Margin Trading CategoryCharSet the type of cash/margin trading specified at the time of order.
Standard Trailer

(4) Order Approval Rejection/Error Notice (Execution Report)

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= '8'
SenderCompID= Arbitrary Value
TargetCompID = ”“TSECQT”” (Fixed)
DeliverToCompID= ““Organization ID handled by CONNEQTOR””
DeliverToSubID = ““Account ID of each organization”“
37OrderIDStringSet a unique identifier (numbered in the participant system) for the order.
11ClOrdIDStringSet the order number specified at the time of order.
109ClientIDStringSpecify counterparty's participant code.
17ExecIDStringSet a unique identifier for Execution Report (numbered in the participant system).CONNEQTOR shall not check the value.
20ExecTransTypechar「0」:New (Fixed)
150ExecTypeCharSet the notice type.
'8': Rejected (Reject)“
39OrdStatusCharSet the current status of the order.
8: Rejected (Reject)
63SettlmntTypCharSet the settlement date specified at the time of order.
55SymbolStringSet the issue code specified at the time of order.Refer to Appendix 1 “Issue Codes”.
54SideCharSet the side of the order specified at the time of order.
38OrderQtyQtySet the order quantity specified at the time of order.
44PricePriceSet the order price specified at the time of order.Refer to “1. ③ Price set/output methods for each trading.”
47Rule80ACharSet the trading administration field (pricipal /agency type) specified at the time of order.
32LastSharesQtySet the filled quantity. Fixed to '0'.
31LastPxQtySet the filled price. Fixed to '0'.
151LeavesQtyQtySet the order remaining quantity.
Fixed to '0'.”
14CumQtyQtySet the partial fill quantity (current cumulative fill quantity).
Fixed to '0'.
6AvgPxPriceSet the average filled price.
Fixed to '0'.
8045Cash/Margin Trading CategoryCharSet the type of cash/margin trading specified at the time of order.
Standard Trailer

(5) Cancel Error Notice (Order Cancel Reject)

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= '9'
SenderCompID= Arbitrary Value
TargetCompID = “TSECQT” (Fixed)
DeliverToCompID= “Organization ID handled by CONNEQTOR”
DeliverToSubID = “Account ID of each organization”
37OrderIDStringSet a unique identifier (numbered in the participant system) for the order.
11ClOrdIDStringSpecify the order number of the cancel order.
41OrigClOrdIDStringSpecify the order number of the order to be canceled.Order number: A unique number (RFQID) is assigned to each FIX session unit allocated to each order by CONNEQTOR.
39OrdStatusCharSet the current status of the order.
'8': Rejected (Reject)
CONNEQTOR shall not manage the status of orders for each participant, Rejected shall be returned uniformly.
The actual order status is managed by the participant.
434CxlRejResponseToCharSet the request message type corresponding to this message.
'1': Order Cancel Request (cancel order)
Standard Trailer

(6) Others/Data Type Error Notice (Business Message Reject)

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= 'j'
SenderCompID= “TSECQT” (Fixed)
TargetCompID = “Participant Code”
OnBehalfOfCompID= “Organization ID handled by CONNEQTOR”
OnBehalfOfSubID = “Account ID of each organization”

Set the TAG34:MsgSeqNum value of the request message corresponding to this message.Only set if the setting is possible.
372RefMsgTypeStringSet the TAG35:MsgType value of the request message corresponding to this message.
379BusinessRejectRefIDStringSet the unique identifier (ClOrdID value set in TAG11) of the request message corresponding to this message.
380BusinessRejectReasonIntSet the error reason. Set one of the following reason for upward messages/
'1': Unkown ID (invalid ID)
'4': Application not available (application not available)
'5': Conditionally Required Field Missing (conditionally mandatory tag missing)
'0': Other (Miscellaneous)
58TextStringSet the Reason Code (5 bytes) and details of the error(the tag number that caused the error) by concacnated with a comma.
In some cases, however, only the reason code is set.
When details of the error exists: “Reason code”, “Details of the error”
When details of the error exists: “Reason code”
8026Error timeStringSet the error time in “HHMMSSTT0” format. The last digit shall be fixed to '0'.In some cases where required tag is missing, this tag might not be set.
8100RFQIDintSpecify only integers of ClOrdID.In some cases where required tag is missing, this tag might not be set. Data might be empty if some errors are in ClOrdID field.
Standard Trailer

(7) Order Execution Notice (Execution Report)

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= '8'
SenderCompID= Arbitrary Value
TargetCompID = ”“TSECQT”” (Fixed)
DeliverToCompID= ““Organization ID handled by CONNEQTOR””
DeliverToSubID = ““Account ID of each organization”“
37OrderIDStringSet a unique identifier (numbered in the participant system) for the order.CONNEQTOR shall not check the value.
198SecondaryOrdIDStringArbitrary ValueCONNEQTOR shall not check the value.
11ClOrdIDStringSet the order number specified by CONNEQTOR at the time of order.
109ClientIDStringSpecify counterparty's participant code.
17ExecIDStringSet a unique identifier for Execution Report (numbered in the participant system).
20ExecTransTypechar「0」:New (Fixed)
150ExecTypeCharSet the notice type.
Fixed to “2”: Trade (fill).
39OrdStatusCharSet the current status of the order.
Fixed to '2': Filled
63SettlmntTypCharSet the settlement date specified at the time of order.
55SymbolStringSet the issue code specified at the time of order.Refer to Appendix 1 “Issue Codes”.
54SideCharSet the side of the order specified at the time of order.
38OrderQtyQtySet the order quantity (quantity at the time of order entry), which is the sum of the order remaining quantity (LeavesQty) and the partial fill quantity (CumQty).
47Rule80ACharSet the trading administration field (pricipal /agency type) specified at the time of order.
32LastSharesQtySet the filled quantity.
31LastPxPriceSet the filled price.
151LeavesQtyQtySet the order remaining quantity.
Fixed to '0'.
14CumQtyQtySet the filled quantity.
6AvgPxPriceSet the average filled price.
Fixed to '0'.
8026Execution timeStringSet the execution time at ToSTNeT in “HHMMSSTT0” format. The last digit shall be fixed to '0'.
8045Cash/Margin Trading CategoryCharSet the type of cash/margin trading specified at the time of order.
Standard Trailer

(8) Order Cancel Result Notice (Execution Report)

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= '8'
SenderCompID= Arbitrary Value
TargetCompID = ”“TSECQT”” (Fixed)
DeliverToCompID= ““Organization ID handled by CONNEQTOR””
DeliverToSubID = ““Account ID of each organization”“
37OrderIDStringSet a unique identifier (numbered in the participant system) for the order.CONNEQTOR shall not check the value.
11ClOrdIDStringSpecify the order number of the cancel order.
41OrigClOrdIDStringSpecify the order number of the order to be canceled.Order number: A unique number (RFQID) is assigned to each FIX session unit allocated to each order by CONNEQTOR.
109ClientIDStringSpecify counterparty's participant code.
17ExecID StringSet a unique identifier for Execution Report (numbered in the participant system).CONNEQTOR shall not check the value.
20ExecTransTypechar「0」:New (Fixed)
150ExecTypeCharSet the notice type.
Fixed to “F”: Trade (fill (fully filled)).
Refer to Appendix 3 “List of Cancel Result Codes”.
39OrdStatusCharSet the result of the cancel/modification process.Refer to Appendix 3 “List of Cancel Result Codes”.
63SettlmntTypCharSet the settlement date specified at the time of order.
55SymbolStringSet the issue code specified at the time of the order to be canceled.Refer to Appendix 1 “Issue Codes”.
54SideCharSet the side of the order specified at the time of the order to be canceled.
38OrderQtyQtySet the order quantity (including the partial fill quantity) at the time of the order to be canceled.
44PricePriceSet the price specified at the time of the order to be canceled. Refer to “1. ③ Price set/output methods for each trading.”
47Rule80ACharSet the trading administration field (pricipal /agency type) specified at the time of the order to be canceled.
32LastSharesQtySet the filled quantity. Fixed to '0'.
31LastPxQtySet the filled price. Fixed to '0'.
151LeavesQtyQtySet the order remaining quantity after cancellation. Set to '0'.
14CumQtyQtySet the partial fill quantity (current cumulative fill quantity). Set to '0'.
6AvgPxPriceSet the average filled price. Set to '0'.
58TextStringSet the cancel result code.Refer to Appendix 3 “List of Cancel Result Codes”.
8045Cash/Margin Trading CategoryCharSet the type of cash/margin trading specified at the time of the order to be canceled.
Standard Trailer

(9) Expired Order Notice (Execution Report)

TagField NameData TypeRequiredDescriptionRemarks
Standard Header MsgType= '8'
SenderCompID= Arbitrary Value
TargetCompID = ”“TSECQT”” (Fixed)
DeliverToCompID= ““Organization ID handled by CONNEQTOR””
DeliverToSubID = ““Account ID of each organization”“
37OrderIDStringSet a unique identifier (numbered in the participant system) for order.CONNEQTOR shall not check the value.
11ClOrdIDStringSet the order number specified at the time of order.
109ClientIDStringSpecify counterparty's participant code.
17ExecID StringSet a unique identifier for Execution Report.CONNEQTOR shall not check the value.
20ExecTransTypechar「0」:New (Fixed)
150ExecTypeCharSet the notice type.
C: Expired (expired)
39OrdStatusCharSet the current status of the order.
C: Expired (expired)
63SettlmntTypCharSet the settlement date specified at the time of order.
55SymbolStringSet the issue code specified at the time of order.Refer to Appendix 1 “Issue Codes”.
54SideCharSet the side specified for the order to be expired.
38OrderQtyQtySet the expired order quantity (including the partial fill quantity).
44PricePriceSet the order price specified for the order to be expired.Refer to “1. ③ Price set/output methods for each trading.”
47Rule80ACharSet the transaction management items (contract/self classification) specified at the time of order.
32LastSharesQtySet the filled quantity. Fixed to '0'.
31LastPxQtySet the filled price. Fixed to '0'.
151LeavesQtyQtySet the order remaining quantity after cancellation. Set to '0'.
14CumQtyQtySet the partial fill quantity (current cumulative fill quantity). Set to '0'.
6AvgPxPriceSet the average filled price. Set to '0'.
58TextCharSet the expired reason code.Refer to Appendix 4 “List of Cancel Order Reason Codes”.
8045Cash/Margin Trading CategoryCharSet the type of cash/margin trading specified at the time of order.
Standard Trailer

Appendix 1 Issue Codes

Issues Code Type Setting Method
ETFs/ETNs New securities identification code Not supported in the Specifications.
Current securities identification code For 4-digit codes, “XXXX” is set.
*The “X” indicates half-width alphanumeric characters.
5-digit codes are not supported in the Specifications.
Stocks and CBs other than ETFs/ETNs New securities identification code Not supported in the Specifications.
Current securities identification code Outside the scope of the trading in the Specifications.

Appendix 2 List of Reason Codes

  • Reason Code: 0xxxx (excluding 00000) is notified to the participant by Logout, Reject or BusinessMessageReject.
  • Reason Code: 2xxxx is notified to the participant by BusinessMessageReject.
Reason Code Error Description Remarks
00000 Normal
00001 Invalid tag form
00002 Required tag missing
00003 Redundant tag(s)
00004 Dupulicate fields
00005 Response to the other party's disconnection request
00006 Protocol error (invalid MsgSeqNum)
00007 Protocol error (Logon Message error)
00008 Protocol error (receive Rejects)
00009 Protocol error (multiple Rejects)
00010 Protocol fatal error
00011 CONNEQTOR system error
20001 Instrument Code
20002 Sell/Buy
20003 Order Price
20004 Order Quantity
20005 Control item
20006 Settlement Date
20007 Counterparty Trading participant Code
20008 No corresponding order exists
20009 The corresponding order is invalid
20010 Invalid Execution Time
20011 ExecType/Ordstatus Error

Appendix 3 List of Cancel Result Codes

Code Message Description Tag150:
△0 Fully CancelledWhen a cancel order is entered, the entire quantity of the order to be corrected is fully cancelled.4:Canceled
△9 Fully FilledWhen a cancel order is entered, the order to be corrected has already been fully filled.8:Rejected
10 No Remaining Quantity to be CancelledWhen a cancel order is entered, the entire quantity of the order to be corrected has already been fully cancelled or expired.8:Rejected4:Canceled

Appendix 4 List of Cancel Order Reason Codes

Code Description
△8 When the execution price is out of the tradable range
11 When the order is expired since the session has already closed


Terms and Conditions of Use

Prior to use of these interface specifications, users are required to read and agree to the terms and conditions described below.

  • Copyright, etc.
    • All rights, including copyright for various pieces of information in these interface specifications (hereinafter referred to as “technical information, etc.”) belong to TSE.
  • Prohibitions
    • Whether with or without consideration, in whatever form or media, including but not limited to a license, transfer, resale or lease, these interface specifications or any part of it including but not limited to technical information, etc. herein must not be provided to any third parties or published.
  • Disclaimer
    • In no event shall TSE be liable for any damage or loss arising directly or indirectly from the use or inability to use of information due to errors, omission, or missing, etc. of information in this document.
    • TSE accepts no responsibility or liability for damage or loss incurred by the users or customers of the users, etc. arising from connecting their systems to the TSE trading system according to information provided in this document or arising in connection with the use of this document unless due to intentional act or gross negligence of TSE.
    • In addition, TSE accepts no liability for damage or loss of profit incurred by the users or customers of the users, etc. arising from any special circumstances irrespective of whether or not TSE has foreseen such circumstances.
    • The right to claim compensation for damage or loss shall be extinguished unless exercised within 12 months from the date such damage or loss occurs.
  • Breaches
    • In the event of any breach of terms or conditions described herein, users shall accept instructions of TSE without dissent.
  • Miscellaneous
    • TSE does not warrant, whether express or implied, that the content in these interface specifications is error-free.


Issued by: Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
2-1 Nihombashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-8220
Phone Number to reconnect FIX session: 050-3377-7751

spec/en/dataformat.txt · 最終更新: 2024/11/05 10:45 by editor